Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Clarifications to Assignment #2

Please see the comments of this post for important clarifications to Assignment #2


  1. Clarification #1: This is in the assignment description, but I would like to make it clear that you are NOT supposed to use JavaScript for this assignment. I understand that the interface would be a bit clunkier, but the assignment is for you to learn PHP.

  2. I am confused about the error checking. If we are removing the radio buttons that would allow a player to make an invalid move, it doesn't make sense to also check that the move is valid. Could you clarify this?

    1. This is a very good observation. If someone is using the form as is, then indeed you do not need this extra check, but if someone is not using the form that you generated (i.e., tries to submit an invalid board through a modified form), then this adds an additional check on the server side. With the assumption that you are doing the error checking through a separate function, this does not add any programming overhead, so I decided to include this extra check in the requirements.

  3. Clarification #2: Once a player submits the last move (and the Sudoku board is complete), there should be a congratulations message displayed on the bottom of the screen.

  4. Clarification #3: (as explained in class today) You are not allowed to use local file storage at the server or connect to a database for this assignment.

  5. Are we just making a dummy sudoku game? Since the user is providing the format of the board, wouldn't the user already know what the valid moves are?

    1. Not sure what you mean by "dummy sudoku game". The php script will not play sudoku, just keep track. However, it should assist the user in identifying legal moves (and detect illegal ones, including illegal board configurations).

    2. I just read this. Okay, that makes more sense. Thank you!

  6. Are we allowed to use PHP sessions? Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "local file storage". Does this mean we can not use XML files as part of our project?

    1. Yes, you are allowed to use PHP sessions. You are not to use file storage (nor databases) at the server or at the client.

  7. Which cells do we highlight when an error occurs? All cells in the violating regions, or just the specific conflicting cells?

    e.g. if the table is 2xx2:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx does it highlight both 2's, or the entire upper-left subtable?

    1. You should highlight all cells that are in the violating region, for uniformity. This is actually simpler to do also.


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