Friday, February 10, 2012

Clarifications to Assignment #1

Please see the comments in this post for important clarifications to Assignment #1


  1. Clarification #1: Please make sure to test your Perl programs in a unix environment, such as, since we will be testing them there.

  2. Clarification #2: In interactive mode, your program should continue to read input from the user in a loop, until the user terminates the program (i.e., with Control-C) or the standard input terminates (i.e., with Control-D).

    1. In batch mode, the program only runs once, without any user input (other than the command-line arguments).

  3. Clarification #3: Remember that when there are two keywords, we utilize AND semantics, so both need to be present for a file to be returned in the results.

  4. Clarification #4: When we have two keywords and you need to sort the results by the number of keyword occurrences, you should use the sum of the occurrences of each of the two keywords.

    1. After everything is sorted, is the sum the count we display, or do we show the counts for the individual words next to the filenames?

    2. Since you are sorting by the sum, it is simpler to show the sum only.

  5. Clarification #5: A word is delimited by either whitespace, punctuation marks, a hyphen, or double quotes.

    1. For simplicity, you can ignore the 's at the end of words (i.e., as in Agamemnon's) and have the original word count only.

    2. I came across the following oddities in reading in the example text files:

      _ o_ p_ e_ n_ (Line 9 o
      h:i:t:h:e:r:e (Line 39 of perldoc.split.txt)

      How do you want us to handle these? Should we just throw them out?

    3. _ and : can be seen as punctuation, and therefore used as world delimiters, which leaves only letters, which are considered stopped words.

  6. Would it be any way possible to extent the due date until next Sunday? I think a lot of us have a lot to accomplish this week and having another weekend to work on the project would be so fantastic.

    1. We'll discuss this in class. I am worried that everybody will spend all their effort on the assignment and not get ready for the midterm which is on Monday, February 20th.

  7. Clarification #6: Word matching should be case insensitive.

  8. Would it be possible to get some sample outputs for some of the sample inputs, so that we know our programs are running as the instructions expect?

  9. Sorry, no. Testing your program against different scenarios is part of the assignment.

  10. For the Sudoku assignment, would it be acceptable to implement the four radio buttons in each Sudoku cell instead as images as opposed to radio buttons? In this way, very small images with the numbers (1-4) can be used to reduce the amount of clutter in each cell. This is as opposed to having 4 radio buttons associated with 4 text fields. Then a large text field can be updated to reflect which button was clicked. By clicking on the same button image a second time, the text field could be cleared (resetting cell). I already took this approach before the assignment was released following the pattern of an online Sudoku game I found online. This might be more of a cosmetic question but I wanted to check.

    Also, what is the purpose of having a "submit" button after each move? Shouldn't a single click of the radio button or image be enough, since we are providing them the option to go back?

    1. To clarify, the large text field is displayed in each cell. So you have big numbers to cross-reference against each other when reviewing your board.

    2. Nope, you cannot do this, since it is using JavaScript and you are not supposed to use JavaScript for this assignment.


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