Sunday, April 15, 2012

Clarifications to Assignment #4

Please see the comments of this post for important clarifications to Assignment #4.


  1. Is there a maximum number of objects that we should expect a queue to need to be able to display at one time, or should we just start with a default, and then if needed expand the height of the queue in order to hold more objects?

    1. The maximum number of objects is how many have been submitted at the beginning. The input queue will start with that and the output queue will have all of these at the end.

  2. For the input text field, are the tasks going to be entered one at a time, or all at once as a multiline input?

  3. With regards to the horizontal bars for the wait and process times. Should we assume a maximum value that each would potentially be, in order to make the segment division simple, or should we do some sort of calculation when the data is inputted in order to decide how wide each change in bar length should be, which could get complicated?

    1. You can assume a maximum value, which, if reached, the horizontal bar will not expand more than that.

  4. Assume I have a task that arrives at time 1. On time 1, I remove it from the input queue and add it to the arrival queue. Should its wait count be incremented on time 1 or on time 2?

    Similarly if something begins execution at time x, do I remove one second of remaining time immediately, or do I wait for time x+1?

    1. When something is moved to the arrival queue it means it has now "officially" arrived. No time has passed.

      While something is in the arrived queue and is not executing, its wait time changes, whereas when it gets moved to the execute, its remaining processing time changes.

      The exact timing is up to you, although it makes sense to start counting immediately.


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